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HomeBusinessHow to Use Instagram to Promote your Career Coaching Brand?

How to Use Instagram to Promote your Career Coaching Brand?

We live in the age of social media, which dominates most of the internet traffic. It takes up a significant slice of the figurative internet pie, and if you want to promote anything, social media is your friend. At any given time, millions, if not billions, are browsing through at least one social media platform. 

As a career coach, this makes social media your go-to destination to promote yourself. Today, we’ll focus on one platform, particularly Instagram. Influencers in different niches use Instagram as their primary social media marketing platform.

It allows people to upload multiple forms of visual content with the right retention and engagement. Here is how you can use the power of Instagram to promote your career coaching brand.

Use Stories

Instagram stories are a fast-paced way to get information out to your audience. They are less formal than conventional posts and require less effort to get uploaded.

You can also upload a series of stories to Instagram, which your followers can then see. Posts can get lost in a person’s feed, but stories have a chance to be seen and engaged with. As such, you’ll also focus on stories to promote your coaching brand.

You can plan and create several of these stories in advance using PosterMyWall’s Instagram story templates

These templates save you time and energy compared to if you were making these stories in advance. Since half the work is already done, you just need to put the finishing touches on it and upload. 

A company used this example to announce openings for certain positions. As a career coach, you may use a similar template to advertise opportunities for your clients. You may pick a totally different template for another purpose.

As long as the templates clearly inform your audience about something related to your work and brand, they will work.

Impressive Bio

Like many other social media platforms, Instagram will also ask you to upload a bio for your profile. This is where your followers find out about your brand.

To make a good impression, this needs to be top-notch. The tricky part is that you only have 150 characters, so you’ll have to approach this creatively. 

A trick you can use to say more with less is to use emojis. A simple emoji can convey an entire sentence worth of message..

This will save you character space, which you can use elsewhere. The goal of the bio is to write something that will inspire the viewer to follow you and engage. 

Use Hashtags

To get visibility and increase engagement on Instagram, use hashtags in your post captions. Hashtags allow people to see posts made by users using that tag.

The more hashtags you use, the more visibility you will have. In your niche, hashtags such as #career, #coaching, #success, etc. can serve you well.

This step is a kind of SEO for Instagram. It optimizes your posts so they may appear in different searches. Once you build momentum, they will start appearing on people’s “discover” pages as well. 

Engage with others

Your account will get more engagement, which in turn will be more effective, if you engage with other similar accounts.

Using hashtags or regular searches, look up other accounts and career coaches who deal in the same niche as you. And there are a number of things you can do in that regard.

The easiest thing you can do is follow them and like their posts. This also helps Instagram to curate your feeds and show you more career coaches so you can engage with them. The more likes you give, the more engagement you can drive to your account as well.

It lets Instagram know that you’re an active account and will prioritize you more. You can also comment on posts made by other career coaches, who can in turn comment on your posts. This will drive further engagement and grow your brand.

Plan out your posts

It will save you a lot of effort and time if you plan and prepare your posts in advance. Even by going a few days ahead, you can avoid a lot of headaches and make things smoother. You can use PosterMyWall’s Instagram post templates to make these posts beforehand and schedule them for uploading.

So when the time comes, the post gets uploaded automatically. This is especially handy when you’re busy and don’t have time to make a post manually. Since a post has been planned and scheduled, it will be posted when the time comes.

There is no rocket science behind social media promotion; only smart techniques and planning can do the job right. The advice listed above is all simple and works when done properly. Do so, and you will be successful in promoting your career coaching brand.

Alex Carey
Alex Carey
Alex Carey is working as a Content Marketing Specialist at The Technoverts. He loves to write and share content related to the latest technical research. He is also a soccer lover.

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