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How to Choose the Right Antivirus Software for Your Business Needs?

Protecting your business from cyber threats is crucial. But with so many options, how do you choose the best antivirus software for your needs?

The best antivirus software offers a full range of protection features. These include real-time protection, on-demand and scheduled scans, and clever heuristics to identify modified malware.

1. Detection Rate

You’ll want antivirus software constantly looking for new risks and stopping them in their tracks. This includes proactive file scanning to vet files before you open them and complete system scans that review every corner of your computer or device to find any compromised data. 

This software should also include real-time detection and a firewall component to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your system and spreading viruses across your network or devices.

A good antivirus program will also have a low number of false positives, which occur when an innocent program is flagged as malicious, causing it to be quarantined or removed from your device. A high number of false positives is a red flag and can negatively impact your overall device performance.

Many programs or antivirus software for your business also have extra features, such as a built-in VPN for secure business internet connections. This can be especially important when staff is working remotely and connecting through public Wi-Fi networks. Some of these packages offer anti-phishing and malware protection, preventing employees from clicking on suspicious links or opening nefarious attachments.

A solid antivirus package will also feature robust admin features that allow you to control the protection of all your employee’s devices from one central location. This is essential if multiple people use different computers, as some security programs can be sensitive to specific operating systems or perform poorly on other types of devices.

2. Performance

When evaluating antivirus software packages, it’s essential to take the time to read reviews and independent tests. The results can give you a great insight into the performance of various products and their ability to detect malware effectively.

Ultimately, you want to find a program that can detect and remove malware quickly without significantly slowing down your computer or deleting critical files. A good security product should also provide various other features to enhance its functionality. 

For example, it comes with a rollback feature that acts as a time machine for your computer, allowing you to rewind to a point before the virus appeared and re-install any files that have been corrupted or deleted. Or, it may include a sandbox environment allowing employees to upload suspicious files into a safe space for review without the risk of infecting other systems.

It’s also a good idea to look for a product that is easy to install and manage, especially when dealing with large numbers of business devices. You should also ensure your chosen product is compatible with your company’s existing infrastructure and can be integrated with your corporate firewall. 

Many of the best business antivirus programs offer centralized management, automatic updates, and remote access to allow you to control your protections across multiple platforms and systems.

3. User Interface

Many antivirus software vendors boast about all the bells and whistles that come with their solutions. However, you should be aware that some extra features may not be helpful to your business, so you must carefully assess whether they’re required.

Generally speaking, you should only consider purchasing user-friendly antivirus programs that can be easily navigated. If you choose a schedule that is too difficult to use, your staff will be more likely to turn it off, leaving the system vulnerable to attacks. Alternatively, they’ll be less likely to update it with the latest patches, which can further leave your systems susceptible to vulnerabilities and malware.

For example, you should check that the AV vendor uses safe practices regarding data handling. Some AV products may upload suspicious files to the vendor’s scanning cloud for further analysis, which can lead to a serious privacy breach. This is bad for businesses that handle critically private client information or fear industrial espionage.

Another aspect of user-friendliness is the availability of support for the program you’re considering. Most quality antivirus software will have a decent customer support team that is easy to contact, can answer questions, and offer assistance in case of a problem. Poor support is a surefire way to tarnish the reputation of an antivirus solution, so make sure you take note of the quality of the vendor’s support before making a purchase.

4. Cost

When choosing antivirus software, it’s essential to consider a solution’s price point. While reading independent tests and reviews is a great way to get an expert opinion, it’s equally important to determine what a company can realistically afford for its cybersecurity needs.

In addition to the cost of a product, businesses should also be aware of how much an antivirus solution will cost over time. Many answers are sold on a subscription basis, meaning the more users a business can add to its protection plan, the lower the per-user cost becomes. This can be an excellent way for organizations to budget for a top-tier security solution without breaking the bank.

Finally, it’s worth considering the cost of any additional features an antivirus solution may offer. For example, some products can scan USB drives, mitigating the risk of employees plugging in a device containing a virus. Additionally, some packages include a VPN, which can be helpful for businesses needing remote access.

In addition to assessing the cost of an antivirus solution, businesses must consider each vendor’s privacy policies. Many AV tools use data collected from user computers to improve their products, but a company must understand how telemetry collection will affect its security and privacy.

Alex Carey
Alex Carey
Alex Carey is working as a Content Marketing Specialist at The Technoverts. He loves to write and share content related to the latest technical research. He is also a soccer lover.

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